Ayurveda TODAY - 2022

The key competence for a specialist practicing Ayurveda is the ability to navigate through numerous authentic medicinal compositions and modern preparations created on their basis.

Profound expertise in classic Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals, professional intuition and knowing the latest news in the world of ayurvedic pharmacology, empowers the specialist to choose better options for each client when forming a rehabilitation program based on any holistic medicine (Dravyaguna - Ayurvedic Pharmacology, modern evidence-based clinical Herbal therapy, etc.)

9 experts from different countries will present clinical protocols of Ayurvedic and other herbal formulas application in the complex therapy of various diseases.

certificate /img/cert/cert-at-22-participants-en.jpg
Format Online-congress
Duration 9 hours

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Ayurveda TODAY - 2022

    certificate: /img/cert/cert-at-22-participants-en.jpg

    Format: Online-congress

    Duration: 9 hours

  • $20.00