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Online course

Deep into Guna Matrix

Starting date — February 14, 2024
Course duration — 25 hours,
5 webinars, 10 video lessons

Course format
The course takes place online in the form of webinars and video lessons. All webinar recordings will be available in a personal account for viewing at a convenient time.

Gunas in Ayurveda represent the properties of material nature upon which we can predict the features of physiological and biochemical processes in the body.

The mechanisms of disease development manifest in Dhatu (tissues) due to the basic elements imbalance and manifest their properties in Gunas. Being able to read Gunas and their imbalance in the body is the highest level of expertise in Ayurveda. ⠀⠀

During the course ‘Deep into Guna Matrix’ you will receive protocols for analyzing the imbalance of basic elements in their pairs of opposites, which will allow you to assess qualitatively Vikruti (disease), Samprampti (pathogenesis) and form personalized therapy protocols based on this knowledge. ⠀⠀

Gunas are classified into four broad categories.

The objects of the special senses through which we experience the Universe. These are sound, touch, form, taste and smell. While this makes up the sum and substance of our experience, an understanding of these gunas alone does not help us to derive a meaningful understanding of substances. Out of this, Rasa or taste makes up an important tool for study of the properties of substances.

The physical and chemical properties of substances are more helpful to understand their pharmacological properties. There are twenty such properties (Gurvadi Guna) like guru, laghu etc which are opposites on a single continuum. Ten pairs of such gunas help us to get an Ayurvedic understanding of the properties and actions of substances used in medicine.

Then there are the gunas in the individual (Atma gunas), the subject that helps or interferes with the understanding of the properties of substances in the universe like desire, motivation etc. These are also discussed in Ayurveda to facilitate proper and objective understanding of the properties of substances used in medicine.

Finally, there are a set of abstract properties understanding which helps us to operationalize out understanding of properties of substances into action. These are called as the Paradi Gunas.

Totally there are 41 gunas discussed in Ayurveda that is essential for understanding properties of substances and planning treatment.


P. Rammanohar

  • Research Director at Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in ĀyurvedaHe has been contributing in the field of Ayurvedic research since the last 24 years. He has to his credit more than 60 publications with research papers published in SCI research journals as well as contributions in other journals and chapters for books;
  • Scientific advisor of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association of Russia (NAMAR);
  • Editor of many scientific journals on Ayurveda, in particular «Ancient Science of Life»;
  • Main ideologist and facilitator of the International scientific project “INDRA” which goal is to implement clinical protocols used in Ayurveda into Western medicine standards.

Course program

Lesson 1 (video lesson)

Gunas of the Special senses

Lesson 2 (video lesson)

Gurvadi Gunas (Guru / Laghu, Manda / Tikṣṇa)

Lesson 3 (webinar)


Lesson 4 (video lesson)

Gurvadi Gunas (Hima / Ushna, Snigdha / Ruksha)

Lesson 5 (video lesson)

Gurvadi Gunas (Slaksna / Khara, Sandra / Drava)

Lesson 6 (webinar)


Lesson 7 (video lesson)

Gurvadi Gunas (Mridu / Kathina, Sthira / Sara)

Lesson 8 (video lesson)

Gurvadi Gunas (Suksma / Sthula, Vishada / Picchila)/span>

Lesson 9 (webinar)


Lesson 10 (video lesson)

Atma Gunas

Lesson 11 (video lesson)

Paradi Gunas (Para, Apara, Yukti)

Lesson 12 (webinar)


Lesson 13 (video lesson)

Paradi Gunas (Samkhya, Samyoga, Vibhaga)

Lesson 14 (video lesson)

Paradi Gunas (Pṛithakatva, Parimaṇa, Samskara, Abhyasa)

Lesson 15 (webinar)


Watch video for free!

Gunakarma Siddhanta - An Introduction

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